
Managed Detection and Response Services

Monitor and hunt attackers in your environment—with a little help from an army of cyber guardians.

You’ve got valuable data. Naturally, other people want it. Organized criminals. Nation states. Someone just trying to prove a point. The list goes on and on. But do your resources?

With Mac Jason Consult Managed Detection and Response services, finding the time, talent, and technology to expertly detect and respond to breaches isn’t your problem—it’s ours. That’s right: Our team will provide 24/7 detection and response in your environment. Which means your organization can finally have everything it needs to stay safe, without actually taking on anything more. Just think of us as your army of cyber guardians.



Many Security Operations Centers (SOCs) only focus on known threats, which means as threats evolve, incidents can go undetected and unmitigated for months or even years, allowing attackers to get comfy within an environment and wreak havoc. To detect and respond to both known and unknown threats quickly and thoroughly, Mac Jason Consult Managed Detection and Response team members combine their personal expertise with our leading incident detection and user behavior analytics technology, our cyber AI platform uses unsupervised machine learning to analyze network data at scale, and makes billions of probability-based calculations based on the evidence that it sees. Instead of relying on knowledge of past threats, it independently classifies data and detects compelling patterns.

Develop an incident response plan focused on threat detection and response.
Want top-notch threat detection and incident response capabilities? Then you need a top-notch program to support them. Mac Jason Consult's Incident Response Program Development service will help you determine the people, process, and technology necessary to ensure your organization can move with speed and purpose in the event of an incident.
We'll kick things off with a thorough security audit of your existing incident response processes and tools, and provide a scorecard highlighting your areas of strength and weakness. By the end of the assessment phase, you'll understand how your current incident response plan stacks up against best practices and see where you need to up your game.

Applying what we discovered in our assessment, we'll develop a new incident response plan that includes guidance on prioritization, technical response, and communications plans. Mac Jason Consult can also work with you to create a roadmap detailing your current and future state with actionable steps to achieve your program goals. Our teams have experience working with organizational leaders to select the appropriate tools and technology and building the collateral to help these leaders champion effective incident response plans to the broader organization.

You know that dream where you're the star of the play, but don't know any of your lines (and also aren't wearing pants for some reason)? Forget it. We'll work with your breach response teams to adequately rehearse your incident response plan via one or more incident response simulations, ensuring they're ready for the spotlight when the time comes.
To continue putting your defenses to the test on a regular basis, consider using Mac Jason Consult's penetration testing services quarterly or annually.